





"I'll never dance again," Terry said. "Life means nothing to me."
"You have to fight!" Calvero said. "Think of the power that's in the universe. It moves the earth. You have the same power! All you need is the courage to use it. Life can be wonderful if you're not afraid of it."
That night Calvero had a wonderful dream. He was on the stage with Terry. He was singing and dancing in front of a large audience.

Some days later, Calvero had a chance to perform at a theater, but nobody laughed. While he was on the stage, the audience got tired of him and began to leave.
Late that night Calvero walked home in the cold wind. Terry was waiting for him. Calvero said, "I'm finished."
"Nonsence!" Terry said. "Remember the advice that you gave me. You have to fight now!"
"Calvero, look!" suddenly she shouted. "I'm walking! I'm walking!" Her legs were well again.

Terry went back to the Empire Ballet, and soon she became an important dancer. She was going to play the leading role in the next ballet. She was very happy.
One morning, Terry asked Calvero to marry her. She said, "Calvero, I love you. I've wanted to say it for so long. Please marry me."
"Nonsence!" Calvero said.
"It's not nonsense," Terry said. "I love you with all my heart."
"My dear, I'm an old man. Don't waste your youth on me."
That night Calvero left her.

For years Terry looked for Calvero. Now she was a famous dancer, and she still loved him.
One evening, the manager of the Empire Theater was drinking at a saloon in London. In front of the saloon an old street musician and his group were playing music. After the music was finished, the old musician came in.
The manager recognized him and was surprised. He said, "Calvero, why don't you come and see me at my office? I'd like you to have a show at my theater again."
Calvero wsa found at last. Terry was very happy.

Some days later, Calvero had a special show at the Empire Theater. The show was a great success. All the audience laughed and clapped. Terry was very pleased with the applause.
The curtain fell. Then suddenly Calvero could not move. He was dying of a heart attack.
Terry was shocked, but she had to get on the stage. She took Calvero's hand and said, I'll be back soon." He nodded with a smile.
After she left, Calvero peacefully closed his eyes.
On the stage, Terry was dancing. She was beautiful in the limelight.

   My brother and my dream

I have a dream to become a Doctor to make a difference to society.
My dream has been shaped by two major experiences in my life. The first involved my older brother. I really love my older brother. From the time when I was small I have relied on him for advice and support. I feel I can talk to him about anything. He really loves me and cares for me.

Let me tell you about my older brother. He has always loved baseball. When he was in elementary school he was a member of the Sport Boy Scouts. When he moved to middle school he became a member of the baseball club. He never missed a practice session because it was his dream to play in the Tokyo Big six-university baseball league. He lived for baseball.

He continued to follow his dream in High School, playing and practicing baseball. Sadly, in his first summer, he was injured. He could see his dream of playing baseball slipping away from him and he became sad and despondent. I felt sad for him and wished I could help him. As he began to recieve support from doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals, I saw him regain his health and his spirit. They not only healed him but also helped to give him back his inner strength to take up life’s challenges.

His experience captured my interest in the human body and how it works. As I saw these skilled practitioners working with my brother, I decided I wanted to study medicine to help others.

My brother’s experience brought back to my mind the time I was sick with recurring bouts of tonsillitis as a small child.
I was a sickly child. It seemed like every month I had a throat infection, with high fevers lasting four or five days.

Although I was still very young my doctor was very understanding. He helped to ease my aches and pains and made me well again.
Like the doctors who treated my brother and myself, I too would like to help others by taking away their troubles and returning their smiles.

I understand that sickness and injuries are painful for people and I believe my experiences have given me an understanding of this confusion and pain and this will help me to be a good doctor.

The other day my brother went to Chihonmon to listen to the stories of the victims of the Great Eastern earthquake. I too saw the stories on the news and saw how they were living in temporary housing, suffering from illnesses and how sad their spirits were at what they had lost. How terrible it must be to have valuable things such as families and houses snatched away and hopes destroyed.

It has been great to hear that these people, with the help of doctors and other medical support staff are now recovering. Conditions are returning to normal and they are starting to smile again. It is the care of these dedicated medical practitioners that is helping these people to recover not just physically, but in their hearts.
Therefore, I believe being a doctor is not just about curing the illness but it’s also about helping the spirit, the heart, and this is why I want to be one.
I know I will have to work very hard to become a Doctor as it will require a lot of effort but it is my dream. It is here in my heart. I will continue to work hard in school and attend club activities to make myself a better person. I want to understand others better so they can see me as a trustworthy person, someone who values the relationships they have with others. This is my aspiration, my dream.

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